Simple Umbraco test site
A test site for testing some basic Umbraco features on new projects…
A test site for testing some basic Umbraco features on new projects…
9th blogpost about Azure Key Vault, this time its has become time to look at integrating Azure Key Vault into a normal Umbraco site. Ill be focusing on putting it into a Umbraco 8 site…
So this is a thing that I've come across a few times lately - How do I log, when my logger isn't working. So the scenario I've been in was to create a new appender to the log4net framework, that ships…
What to expect when you are going to your first Codegarden?…
.... or how a blog is supposed to be built on UmbracoSo when i started working at Umbraco HQ i really wanted to learn to develop a site in Umbraco CMS. For that purposeI simply decided to convert my…
For the last copule of years, ive been working with Sitecore CMS, switching to Umbraco has its pro and cons. One of the mayor features that this CMS does really well, is enabeling you as a developer…
Time to try that CMS im working onIve been blogging regulary for the last couple of years. During this time ive tried different kinds of blog engines to write the content in. The previous one was…
Past experienceFor the last 9 years, ive been working as a software consultant, primary focused on implementing customers sites in a CMS. Since 2007 that CMS has been Sitecore. Ive always been a keen…
So this is totaly off topic. I just installed Fresh Paint on my Lenovo Yoga with touch. This is a awesome painting application that makes it fun to use the computer as a drawing board. So i just used…
1 day conference – Danish - $50 - devdk.orgA year ago, three web developers from Odense thought that something was missing in their town. They thought that the city needed a conference focused on web…
1 day conference – Primary Danish - $200 - www.danishdevconf.comThe first of the conferences I attended this year was on the last day of April. It was in Aarhus, and it was one of the conferences I’ve…
One of the methods that i use to learn more stuff, and one of the methods that usually gives me the most inspiration for my everyday work life, is going to conferences. I like attending them, and…